Well, July sure was fun! It was a busy month. It started with beautiful sparlie fireworks and ended with a sleep over at Grams and Pa's house, where I picked and ate an insane amount of tomatoes. We went to the farm and saw Reina and Papa's new house. I love it because it has stairs and the biggest shower I've ever seen! Plus I get to ride the 4-wheeler and see lots of cows.
Mom had a work trip and while she was gone Dad and I had lots of fun. He taught me how to eat chicken off the bone, then when our hands got all messy, we'd give each other a greasy "5". Mom said she'd never thought of teaching me that trick and she wished Dad had taken a picture. Dad made everything fun...getting dressed, cleaning up toys... and oh yeah, he doesn't make me take a bath everyday. I think I want Mom to take more trips.:O) I was glad to see her though...when we picked he up at the airplane place I ran, jumped in her arms, gave her a big hug and said "Mommy, I so proud of you!"
Well, me and the potty have become close friends. I'm such a pro now, I even tell mom what to do when she has to go. Then I tell her "Great Job!". Nanny has taught me lots about after potty hand washing (front, back, front) and Grams taught me to say and wave bye to my pepe when I flush. Then the other night, I got to wondering if there was anything else in the potty. So I leanded in to the potty and said "ECHO! Anybody in there?" There was no answer, but mom said that's not a good idea cuz potties can be dirty.
Other big news...I'm in a big girl toddler bed. I know, I know you're probably thinking it was just yesterday I was born and I can't possibly be big enough for a bed. But it's true. I stay in it all night until 5am, when I wake up. Then, I tippy-toe into Mom and Dad's bedroom and whisper, "Wanna snuggle?". I don't really want to snuggle too long, mostly I just want someone to turn the TV on so I can watch NOGGIN. Mom tucked me back in this morning and said that I should stay in bed until God turns the lights on outside and that when it is dark we should be asleep. Dark, asleep...hmmm. I'll try to remember that.
Love to you!