We played mini golf too. Dad showed me how to hold the club and swing, but I think it is more fun to just put it through the obstacles with my hand.
It's still warm, so we went swimming and I pretended rescued Mom. We can't play with the special floaty on the side of the pool. Also, I called the nice lady at the front desk of our hotel a few times. Daddy gave me a talk about not doing this, but I thought I'd try it anyway while Mom was giving Ryan a bath. I had to go to the front desk and tell the lady I was sorry. She shook my hand and said we could be friends.
Mom also took me to a puppet show at the Arts Center about Leo Lionni stories. "Swimmy" was my favorite. It was great because you were supposed to wear pj's and bring a stuffed animal. I have been for 3 shows now, so that wasn't really my first time to go. But after, we got pineapple gelato (that is funny ice cream) and said hi to "pirates" on motorcycles.
Then yesterday Dad took me to the football game. He bought me popcorn and taught me how to do a karate thing with my hand and say, "that's another first down." I cheered real loud for the band and the players. They have time out there, but it is good time out? I don't know why we don't have good time out at our house. I got to ride on Dad's shoulders "all the day long" home. What fun!