Saturday, September 23, 2006

Saturday in the store

It was raining too hard today to go to the farmers market. Instead, Mom, Reina and I went to the natural food store. Dad doesn't really like going there because he says there are lots of hippies and he says a store shouldn't sell meatless meat. Mom says it's a good lesson in diversity and economics...whatever all that means. Anyway, I got my own small metal little shopping cart and pushed it all around the store myself and said, "Watch out, here I come!" On my own, I loaded my cart with 2 bunches of b-nanas and every kind of tomato I could reach. Mom made me put the bean salad back on the shelf, but bought me some organic smiley face cheese. I also filled my basket with other crazy stuff, like an assortment of homeopathic medicine and eye drops. Mom didn't notice until we were checking out...hehehe. It was fun!

1 comment:

Call Me Grandma said...

What a sweet little girl. I am getting my bundle of sugar and spice in Dec. She'll be named Gabrielle (Gabby). I can't wait.