Saturday, October 14, 2006

NICU Reunion

Well, today was my NICU reunion. The NICU is where you go when you are born extra early or are really sick at birth (like me). It is a great place and to top it off, they have super fun parties every year. This year was a cowboy party ...Yeee Haw!
Only, it was a little sad because my doctor there went to heaven last month. Mom was very teary about the whole thing and said Dr. Pichoff was a great man. He came to see her at another hospital the day I went to the NICU and worked very hard to make me well. Mom says that we are going to buy some toys for the Jackson Graves Foundation in his honor and I can pick them out all myself.
Even though it was a hard time when I was at the NICU, Mom and Dad said it was special. My family came a lot and almost everyday someone (who knew they couldn't come in to touch me) would come to the window and peek in to see if they could wave Hi. Mom remembers your sweet visits (Laura, Mike, Tiffany, Rhonda and others). Mom said she and Daddy always had clean hands when I was there because they had to wash them for 5 minutes before they held me. And guess what, Dad had to wear a nursing gown...teehee.
Please say a prayer for all of the little babies in the NICU. It is a very special place.

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