Monday night, Mom had a board meeting (whatever that is) and left after she put Ry to bed. That left Daddy in charge. So, he got me all ready for bed and tucked me in. When mom got home at 9, she checked on me and I was still awake. She noticed something was missing on my little mermaid costume (which I was sleeping in). Here is how it went from there...
Mom: Did you tear your costume?
Addie: Nooooo, I cut it.
Mom: With your scissors?
Addie: No, the kitchen ones (the ones that could put an eye out and debone a chicken). I was making a ball gown. Are you so proud of me?
Mom: Of course, it is beautiful! Wow, you cut a lot of holes! Did you cut anything else? Scissor use reminder talk...blah, blah, blah!
Addie: No
Mom: Where are the scissors?
Addie: They are in here somewhere?
Mom: Did you eat a snickers (wrapper by bed)?
Addie: No, butterfly Barbie did!
Mom: Tell the truth.
Addie: Yes. I was hungry for a little snack.
Mom: Where was Daddy?
Addie: He was sleeping in his bed!
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